My father Shankar Modgekar was a drawing teacher and freelance illustrator. His bestseller book is “memory drawing “ and “figure drawing made easy”. He is my inspiration. I am married and have two children. We live together as joint family. Various directors and actor inspired me in this journey. TV series of “HE-MAN “was my first childhood series I loved a lot. Then there was fireball, Star Trek, giant robot was available on TV those days. ” DISNEY” was on top of all. Cartoonist R.k.luxman, Mario Miranda , Bal Thakrey are my role models from India. Sokol , Dedini, Norman Rockwell, dan miligan, are my favorite illustrators.My father thought me first to sharpen pencil with cutter in right angel. It leads to right sketching. Then I used to do copy from Disney, marvel, phantom ,madreix and lothar books. It helps me learning brush and ink techniques. i practice with crow quill as well. But after 1995,96 computer came in india . This was the time when in Asian market vector clip art CD’s where available. it was the time my generation saw the changes in market . We had to switch to digital platform. which we are doing now with using digital tablet.